At SV Football, we take pride in the development of our players and have in place resources to ensure that players are given the best chance to fulfill their footballing potential. Players have the opportunity to participate in the Inter-Schools Football Championship and other external competitions. Players are guided by enthusiastic and dedicated teachers to ensure that the student athletes develop holistically. In addition to the development of sporting excellence, we also seek to inspire others by being exemplary sportspersons exhibiting good character and values.
Mr Nur Ismadi B Mohd Esa
Mr Eddie Quek
Mr Isaac Francis S/O Benert
Mr Lee Kim Joo
4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. (extra training for school team closer to competition period)
3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Page last updated on: 6 Jan 2025